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Translation from French Mentions Légales, in accordance with French legislation




limited liability company with €40.000 in capital

Head office : 7, rue Dejean - 75018 Paris, France

RCS Paris 503 270 787.

VAT FR 01503270787

Tél. + 33 951 946 803

Director of Publication : Isabelle Dastroy

Web site hosting :

Jaguar Network, 71, avenue André Roussin - 13016 Marseille 

Web cration and administration 

 Store-Factory, 16, rue de l’Evangile, 75018 Paris

tél. 0825 70 20 20

The use of the site implies the unconditional acceptance of the conditions mentioned below. C-OUI has the right to modify these conditions at any moment.

- The rights of intellectual property regarding the site and all elements it comprises (brands, models, copyright, domain names…) are the property of, or destined to the exclusive use by, C-OUI. Total or partial reproductions are allowed only for private and personal use and are not allowed without prior authorization for any kind of commercial use.

- C -OUI is by no means not liable for direct or indirect damages of any kind that result from the use of the site, and more particularly in the case of service interruption, bugs, inexact or incomplete information on the site, or damage due to the fraudulent intrusion of third parties leading to the alteration of information available on the site.


- C-OUI will preserve the confidentiality of personal data supplied by the users of the site. In accordance with French legislation (loi informatique et libertés n° 78-17, 6 January 1978), every visitor has the right and the possibility to access, rectify or withdraw personal data, by contacting contact@c-oui.fr


- The creation of hyperlinks to the site is not allowed without prior authorization of 
C-OUI. C-OUI declines all liability for the content of sites linked to its website.

- The present conditions are governed by French law. The potential cancellation of one of the present conditions of use will have no effect on the other conditions which remain plainly applicable.